Planning for New Districts in place by
January 1st 2025:
1. Review the list of churches for each district and include the non UMC churches (they are welcome with UWFaith). Plan to invite them to your annual district meeting this fall.
2. Organize/coordinate with your members to prepare a new slate of officers for 2025.
3. Update your standing rules to reflect United Women in Faith and your new district name.
4. Prepare an estimated budget for the new district for 2025.
5. Invite the new district nominated President and Treasurer to the Conference Team Meeting on August 3rd at 10 am at Harrah UMC, Harrah OK. Lunch provided and mileage paid by conference.
All three documents above must be submitted by August team meeting to Conference President, Harrietta Williams.
***The slate of officers, budget and standing rules will be voted on by each District at our Yearly Celebration in October.
(Since old districts will not be active as of 12/31/2024, no new business is to be conducted at your annual meetings for the old districts). After paydowns to $200 at year end, old bank account names will need to be changed to reflect the new districts or you can open a new bank account with the new district name effective Jan 1, 2025.